Non sono assolutamente una fanatica del retro perfetto, tutt'altro. Per quanto posso, mi limito a tenerlo pulito, ma proprio perché non me ne importa più di tanto non ho nessun problema a mostrare un'immagine del mio retro. Questa è presa dall'ultimo ricamo che ho realizzato, il JJ del post precedente.
Comunque in generale credo dipenda dallo schema, con alcuni designer non è troppo difficile tenere pulito il retro, con altri praticamente impossibile ;)
- Qual è il posto speciale in cui ti rifugi per creare le tue meraviglie a crocette?

Two questions this time!
The first request comes from Vash, who is requesting pictures of the back of your stitching… are you brave enough to give this one a shot?
Well, honestly I don't care about backside all that much, anyway I'm trying my best to keep it as clean as possible. Here you can see the back of my last project, which is also showed rightside in the previous post.
The second request comes from Singular Stitches, and she is asking for "a pictorial tour of [the] special place that you go to create your wonderful stitched creations."
Would you like to know how is the stitching place of my dreams? Well, there should be a big confortable sofa with a plaid over it, an openfire just in front of it, a huge lamp lighting my work and a small table to place all my stuff above it.
Now see how my real space is: I usually stitch in front of my pc (while chatting with my friends.. about cross stitch, most of the time), so my stitching place is my overfulled and chaotic desk...
no no, quello non lo mostro neanche morta!!! ;)